Demolition Safety Procedures

Priestly Demolition is committed to the health and safety of our employees and to providing a safe work environment for all involved in our projects. Management is ultimately responsible for worker health and safety, and PDI Management supports all employees in their right to work in a safe and healthy environment, and the right to refuse unsafe work. Every reasonable precaution will be taken to protect all employees at all times. The employer, supervisors, and workers must fulfill their individual obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Every reasonable precaution will be taken to protect all employees at all times. The employer, supervisors, and workers must fulfill their individual obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

PDI has the ultimate goal of zero harm, and the participation of all employees, sub-contractors, and visitors is essential to reaching this goal. A proactive approach shall be used to control and minimize the risk of occupational injury and illness in our workplace. Management and workers will work together to reduce and eliminate workplace hazards through communication and cooperation of all involved. All incidents, injuries, and illnesses shall be investigated, and the findings of investigations shall be used to develop preventative measures to avoid a reoccurrence. No project or company objectives take priority over safe planning and safe execution of work.

Demolition Safety Procedures


Management is responsible for the design, implementation, monitoring, and communication of health and safety programs, policies, and procedures. All employees are responsible for cooperating with management in the implementation of the HSE program, and participating in inspections, investigations, maintenance, and any other efforts that support the continuous improvement of our safety culture. All employees will receive training regarding their health and safety responsibilities, and will be individually accountable for fulfilling those responsibilities.


Appropriate action will be taken against any employee who engages in an unsafe act, or who fails to comply with established safe work practices and procedures. Our safety policy is reviewed annually by the management at PDI.