Selective Demolition Projects
When projects demand precise demolition, PDI‘s industry experience, attention to detail and reputation as a solutions company means we can complete your project safely, on time and on budget.

2015 – 2017
Digester Roof
After failing to comply with regulations and an industrial accident, this digester structure sat idle for 2 years before PDI got the call to remove the roof. The goal of the demolition project was to safely remove the entire roof in one crane lift without damage or impact to the surrounding structure(s).

By Share Bear ([email protected]) – Own work – Public Domain, Public Domain,
2019 – 2020
Province House Conservation
Priestly Demolition Inc. was awarded the engineering, design sequencing and the implantation of a system to safely support the North and South Portico of the Province House while replacing the old stone foundations with the new concrete foundations.

2017 – 2019
120 and 130 Adelaide Street Towers
PDI is known for tackling big jobs with big machines, but this demolition project, which involved the removal of exterior cladding from two high-rise buildings at 120 and 130 Adelaide Street West in Toronto, demanded a very different approach.

Hope Island, Georgian Bay
In 2017, Priestly Demolition Inc. was contracted by the Federal Public Works Government Services to demolish a light-house and its auxiliary buildings on Hope Island, located in Georgian Bay. The purpose of the project was restorative – returning the land to its original condition and ultimately handing it back over to the people of the Beausoleil First Nations.

Welland Canal Locks 1 & 2
The Welland Canal project aimed to increase the efficiency of this strategic transportation hub that connected the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. Though not your average demolition job, this was project was still within PDI’s scope of capabilities.