Asset Recovery & Salvage

Minimize Future Development Costs While Diverting Materials From Landfills

Today, PDI is able to divert at least 95% of materials like concrete, ferrous and non-ferous metals from landfills. Our staff have the skills and knowledge to actively identify and selectively dismantle valuable components for resale including: wood beams, steel structures, and plant equipment. We are also able to recover items such as doors, window, and office furniture, which are salvaged for resale. We also crush concrete and asphalt on-site making these materials available for future development to help minimize construction costs.

Asset Recovery And Salvage

What Is Asset Recovery?

Asset recovery is the process of salvaging or recovering valuable materials or equipment as a part of the building demolition process. Our asset recovery can help you identify and recover any items that can be reused, resold, or recycled, rather than simply demolishing everything and sending it to a landfill.

Every building has its own unique set of valuable resources. For example, copper or steel may be recovered from electrical or mechanical systems, while architectural elements, like doors, windows, or fixtures, can be salvaged for reuse in other projects. Even roofing materials can be reused!

Asset recovery not only helps reduce the environmental impact of a demolition project by diverting materials from landfill, but it can also provide cost savings through the reuse or sale of recovered materials and equipment.

Some materials that our team at Priestly Demolition salvages include:

  • Metal, such as copper, aluminum and steel
  • Pipes
  • Flooring
  • Bricks
  • Structural beams
  • Concrete and asphalt
  • Generators
  • Machinery
  • HVAC units
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Office furniture

Plus, if your demolition project involves demolishing natural gas rigs, oil rigs, industrial plants, or factories, there’s a good chance that our asset recovery team at Priestly Demolition can help you offset the costs of demolition by salvaging and recycling materials.

Our Asset Recovery Process

At Priestly Demolition, our asset recovery process begins with a detailed assessment of the building or structure to identify any valuable assets that can be recovered. Our team will create an inventory of these identified assets, including their condition, location, and estimated value based on the current market.

Next, we will develop a thorough plan to recover the identified assets, taking into consideration safety and logistics. The asset recovery plan will also consider and value scrap metal that may be able to be salvaged during the demolition process.

Following the asset recovery plan, our team will carefully remove all identified assets and transport them to a storage facility where they will be properly labelled, documented, and secured. The recovered assets are evaluated for their potential resale value and sold through auctions, private sales, and other channels.

Any materials or assets that are not suitable for resale are sorted and prepared for recycling or disposal in accordance with environmental regulations. Residual hazards will also be removed or neutralized from systems, surfaces, and structures to ensure the site is safe for potential buyers.

Reasons to Choose Asset Recovery Services

Our asset recovery service at Priestly Demolition can bring significant benefits to our clients. When an organization’s physical assets are no longer needed, they are often liquidated at less than their fair market value, which means it is a loss for the company. However, with our help, we can recover these assets and use them to generate income to offset demolition costs.

For example, common building materials such as scrap metal and concrete are valuable items that can be sold and reused in other construction projects. We even have the necessary equipment to crush concrete on-site to eliminate the fuel and transportation costs of taking the material to a processing centre or landfill.

Our asset recovery process not only helps businesses capitalize on their discarded assets, but also addresses environmental concerns and reduces the company’s carbon footprint by reducing waste. Instead of discarding obsolete equipment, we give it a new purpose through asset recovery.

Priestly Demolition is an expert in asset recovery and we are here to help you maximize your profits. Our comprehensive range of services ensures that every valuable piece of equipment and material is recovered and put back into good use so nothing goes to waste.

With extension experience and expertise, we can handle any project, from commercial to large-scale industrial jobs. Our team of specialists can help you identify the wealth of materials within your structure and provide a consultation to increase your profits, reduce your costs, and minimize your environmental impact.


We have the equipment to sort, process, crush and deliver the construction materials you require for your next project. Our team of salvage experts are available to help you find what you are looking for. Collectively they have decades of experience in many different areas of construction, engineering, electrical, plumbing, historical vintage objects and antiques. If we don’t have in the store, we will try to find it for you! Call us Today at 437-288-9507 or email [email protected]

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It is our company mission to keep 95% to 99% of the salvageable construction material out of landfills by reusing, repurposing, and reclaiming all that we can. 

Salvage Kings New Season Work

Salvage Kings

Salvage Kings returns full throttle for another season of thrilling demolitions and extraordinary finds by the team at Priestly Demolition. Leading the charge is Head of Salvage Ted Finch and his crew – modern-day treasure hunters who stop at nothing to uncover rare and valuable objects from buildings that are on the verge of demolition. They are pushed to their limits as they scour through demanding demolition sites to ensure no hidden gems are left behind and lost forever.

With more than 500 demolition team members, we proudly operate throughout Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Florida.