After failing to comply with regulations and an industrial accident, this digester structure sat idle for 2 years before PDI got the call to remove the roof. The goal of the demolition project was to safely remove the entire roof in one crane lift without damage or impact to the surrounding structure(s).
The digestor was not compliant with regulations and thus, gases built up and blew the roof off. With no way of knowing the exact weight of the roof, our engineering team analyzed old drawings and examined the material composition of the structure to accurately predict the size of equipment needed to hoist the roof off the structure. Those calculations had to be spot on as the size of the crane was selected based on the predetermined weight of the lift.
With a radius of 60′ and weighing in at over 80,000 lbs, our team brought in a large 600 ton crane to hoist the roof off the structure. It was assisted by a PDI excavator who gently guided the roof off, leaving the walls and structure intact. Teamwork at its finest.