After the flood, all three spans of the bridge had broken apart: span 1 sat at a 45 degree angle, resting on a pier, span 2 laid horizontally in the riverbed with four feet of water owing over the deck and span 3 was still erect sitting on a pier and abutment. The PDI crew made quick work of the demolition, dismantling span 1 and 3 simultaneously before entering the water to pull apart span 2 with our Link-Belt 8000.

Coinciding with the start of spawning season, this project was environmentally sensitive, and it was vital PDI return the river back to normal operations as quickly as possible. After consulting with the local conservation authority, the crew installed a silk curtain around the water site to control the sediment and prevent it from migrating downstream.

port bruce2


This project was valued at $562,000

100% of the material was crushed and recycled

This project commenced in March 2018 and was completed by April 2018


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We used large pieces of concrete from the bridge to help stabilize the bank after demolition, and recycled or crushed 100% of the remaining material. 



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